Small Animal | Orthopedic
Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 12/08/2025 at 8:00 PM (EST)
This is a small animal webinar. This webinar is eligible for CE and MOC credit.
Contains 7 Product(s)
Includes five small animal webinars and two non-surgical webinars, live and on-demand.
Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
The philosophy of the use of templating to initiate rehearsal of surgery will be presented with clinical examples. This webinar is eligible for CE and MOC credit.
Contains 9 Component(s), Includes Credits
2024 ACVS Surgery Summit On-Demand Content: During this seminar, speakers discuss the pathophysiology of both naturally occurring and surgically inflicted trauma, and optimal timing of surgical intervention in trauma management.
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
2024 ACVS Surgery Summit On-Demand Content: This seminar highlights research that is not only current (published within the last one-to-three years), but also has demonstrated impact within the field of study or clinical practice.
Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this webinar, presenters will discuss their approaches to forelimb lameness cases, which can often be difficult to localize. Discussion will involve various diagnostic options and when to utilize each, as applied to specific cases provided by the presenters. Approximately 3-4 cases will be shared, pending time constraints. This webinar is eligible for CE and MOC credit. Sponsored by Spryng.
Contains 10 Component(s), Includes Credits
2024 ACVS Surgery Summit On-Demand Content: This session will discuss advanced small animal laparoscopic techniques.
Contains 7 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this webinar, presenters will discuss their decision-making process for challenging fracture cases. Approximately three fracture cases will be presented (one from each presenter), and discussed by the entire panel prior to the post-operative radiographs being shown. A discussion of the repair may be had, pending time and interest. This webinar is eligible for CE and MOC credit.
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
2023 ACVS Surgery Summit On-Demand Content: Presenters will outline differing philosophies and strategies for managing this challenging condition.
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
2023 ACVS Surgery Summit On-Demand Content: This presentation will explore both traditional and novel diagnostic methods for stifle injury.
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CE Credit
ACVS has been approved or is awaiting approval for CE credits in jurisdictions which recognize the American Association of Veterinary State Boards’ Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE). RACE-approved ACVS webinars are approved for one activity point per hour toward ACVS Diplomate maintenance of certification.
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